Open Burning Established By OAR
The State of Oregon defines types of Open Burning and has established eight classes including; Agricultural, Commercial, Construction, Demolition, Domestic (which includes backyard burning), Industrial, Slash and Field Burning.
Source: OAR 340-264-0010(1)
Agricultural Burning
The burning of agriculture waste material generated or used by an agricultural operation on land where the primary purpose is to obtain a profit by raising, harvesting and selling crops or animals is allowed. Additionally, to qualify as an Agricultural Burner the primary living must be earned from the farm or tax returns filed as a Farmer or Grower. A CFD1 Special Burn Permit is required in order to exceed the Back Yard Burning Rules, burn out of season, or burn within the DEQ burn ban area. Special permits will only be issued on agricultural/forestry property that meets Clackamas County Zoning requirements for agricultural/forestry operations. Source: OAR 340-264-0030(2) (3) (4), Oregon Department of Agriculture, CFD1
Commercial Open Burning
The burning of any commercial waste is prohibited within all of Clackamas County. Commercial waste is any material except: agricultural waste, construction waste, demolition waste, domestic waste, industrial waste and slash. Source: OAR 340-264-0120(3) OAR 340-264-0030(9)
Construction Open Burning
Construction waste material consists generally of materials used for, resulting from or produced by a building or construction project but does not include the items prohibited to be burned statewide. The Open Burning of construction waste is allowed outside of the special open burning control area. (3 & 6 mile rule) Source: OAR 340-264-0120(4), 340-264.0030(11) (12)
Demolition Open Burning
Materials resulting from the destruction of a man-made structure or clearing of land is demolition waste excluding yard debris and agricultural waste. The Open Burning of demolition waste is similar to Construction Open Burning and is only allowed outside of the special open burning control area. (3 & 6 mile rule) Source: OAR 340-264-0030(14) (15) & OAR 340-264-0120(4)
Domestic Open Burning (Back Yard Burning)
Back yard burning of certain types of household waste material is allowed outside of the DEQ burn boundary and only on approved burn days. The material burned must be from the property on which the burning occurs or it is considered commercial waste and is therefore prohibited. Approved materials for burning includes: yard debris (dried to the extent practical), paper and cardboard. Source: OAR 340-264-0030(18) (19) CFD1, DEQ
Industrial Open Burning
Industrial Open Burning is prohibited in Clackamas County and includes process waste produced as the direct result of any manufacturing or industrial process. Source: OAR 340-264-0030(24) OAR 340-264-0120(1)
Slash Burning
Slash is forest debris or woody vegetation to be burned that is related to the management of forest land used for growing and harvesting timber. Slash burning is managed by the Oregon Department of Forestry. Source: OAR 340-264-0030(33)
Field Burning
Field Burning is the burning of any grass field, pasture, range land or other field by open burning. Field Burning of any perennial or annual grass seed or cereal grain crop, or associated residue is regulated by the Oregon Department of Agriculture. Source: OAR 340-264-0030(25), ODA, OFC 307.2, CFD1