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Get Involved

When disaster strikes Emergency Responders may be delayed for hours or even days.  It is up to each of us to  take the steps necessary to become more disaster resilient.  Recent disasters around the world have shown that the first relief efforts are usually from people in the  community assisting their neighbors.  Clackamas Fire encourages you to first prepare your families and then look for ways to get involved in may your community more resilient to disasters.  When it comes right down to it – We are all in this together!

Get training in First Aid and CPR

To register for a class go to:

Join a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

CERT members receive 24 hours of training in  First Aid, fire extinguisher, light search and rescue, incident command, communications and much more!  The skills you learn as a CERT member will make you a very valuable resource to your family and community following a disaster.


Meet Your Neighbors

One of the easiest and perhaps most valuable thing you can do is to take time to meet your neighbors. Our resilience to disaster will be based in large part on the strength of our community. Get involved and help spread the preparedness message!