Earthquake Readiness

California experienced a CRUSTAL 7.1 moment magnitude earthquake on July 5, 2019 that shook for 20 to 25 seconds.

Our region is threatened by similar earthquakes but our primary concern is for a much different type and magnitude earthquake. The Northwest is in jeopardy of experiencing a SUBDUCTION type earthquake. The magnitude is expected to be between 8.0 and 9.0, and shake for 5 minutes. The length of time is perhaps the most concerning characteristic of a subduction earthquake.

We live in earthquake country!  Earthquakes are a real and constant threat to our community. Scientists believe there is a 40% chance the Northwest will experience a subduction zone event in the next 50-years.

Here are tips for you and your family to prepare for an emergency disaster:

  • Make sure your family is 2 Weeks Ready. Make sure your family has water, food, and emergency supplies to be safe and comfortable for 2 weeks.
  • Keep a 72-hour kit in your vehicle in case disaster strikes while you are away from home.
  • Make a Family Communication Plan.
  • Make a disaster plan and discuss it with your family. This year’s “Great Shake Out” exercise will occur on October 17, 2019 at 10:17a.m. Practice Duck, Cover, and Hold-On at work and at home.
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