Health & Safety Division

The Health & Safety Division is responsible for providing strategies and resources to enhance the health, well-being, and performance of firefighters and staff. Through the in-house comprehensive wellness program, safety program, and the administration of employee benefits, Health & Safety staff work to ensure that first responders are prepared to best serve the citizens of Clackamas Fire.

 Wellness Program

Clackamas Fire offers an in-house, comprehensive wellness program to all operations and support members. The Wellness Program takes an individualized approach to improve the health, fitness and longevity of all personnel. Specifically, the Wellness staff interact with firefighters, staff, and volunteers to promote positive lifestyle changes.

The wellness program is designed to be positive, non-punitive, and address all aspects of wellness. Components of the program include:

  • Medical
    • Baseline and annual in-house pre-physical testing for firefighters, DOT personnel, and staff
    • Contracted physicals and fit for duty exams
    • Medical record management
  • Fitness
    • Baseline and annual fitness testing.
    • Fitness programming for recruit academy
    • Individual and group fitness programming through degreed and certified staff
    • Tier 4 Fit for Duty program
  • Injury Prevention/Rehabilitation
    • Injury reporting and return to work
    • Contracted concierge injury service
    • Functional movement screen assessments
    • Injury prevention programming
    • Ergonomic assessments
  • Disease Prevention/Education
    • On-site wellness presentations
    • Follow-up on moderate and high-risk factors found during annual testing
    • Health coaching and wellness improvement plans
    • Monthly newsletter and internal wellness website
  • Behavioral Health
    • Peer Support Program
    • Employee Assistance Program
    • Annual mental health assessment
    • Contracted behavioral health specialist

Safety Program

Clackamas Fire has an outstanding safety culture with collaboration between Health & Safety, Training, Operations, and Human Capital Divisions. Education, training, follow-up, and feedback are the focus of Clackamas Fire’s Safety Program.

Safety Program Activities include:

  • Focusing on incident safety with a non-punitive, lessons learned approach.
  • Proactive Safety Committee that meets monthly to discuss preventive opportunities and to review accidents, injuries, and near-misses. Recommendations are developed to reduce or limit the re-occurrence of future similar events.
  • A Research and Development Program designed to evaluate and test tools and equipment prior to making purchasing decisions
  • Oversight of our Personal Protective Equipment Program
  • Partnership with Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OR-OSHA), State Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF), and our agent of record to assure that we are meeting their requirements and utilizing their expertise to improve firefighter and employee safety
  • Utilizing the results of near-miss reports, accident investigations, and after-action reviews to gain and share lessons from within as well as outside of our organization.

Employee Benefits

Employee benefits are administered out of the Health & Safety Division. With a focus on customer service and employee satisfaction, Clackamas Fire offers a generous benefit package. Benefits include:

  • Health/dental insurance
  • Deferred compensation
  • Life insurance
  • Health trust
  • Supplemental accident and cancer benefits
  • Retiree benefits

For more information about the Health & Safety Division, please contact Health & Safety Chief Goodrich at: 503-742-2686.

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