The Civil Service Commission exists to establish a system of personnel administration based on merit, principles, governing the appointment, tenure, promotion, transfer, lay-off, removal and discipline of its officers and employees, and other incidents of employment.
The Emergency Medical Services Division ensures that the Clackamas Fire District #1 Firefighter/Paramedics and Firefighter/EMTs are prepared and trained to the highest levels to respond to all emergency medical calls for service.
The Financial Services Division is responsible for strategic financial planning, accounting and financial reporting. They additionally provide services related to financial forecasting and planning, budget development and administration, financial reporting, general accounting, payroll, and debt management.
The mission of the Fire Marshal’s Office is to protect and preserve life and property through education, engineering, and enforcement, which requires proactive community interaction.
The Fleet Division maintains the ever-growing fleet of fire and emergency apparatus and staff vehicles through preventative maintenance and repair.
Human Resources provides a full-range of comprehensive human resources services and programs offering leadership resources to the organization in all aspects of human resources management.
The Logistics Division currently supplies our career and volunteer fire stations, as well as the administrative and support divisions with the tools and supplies needed for them to perform the increasingly complex task of providing emergency services to our District residents.
The Public Information Officer (PIO) is the community liaison between the fire district and the news media.
The Training and SafetyDivision ensure that our most valuable assets, our personnel, are adequately trained to provide fire and emergency services to the highest level of expertise and professionalism.
The Volunteer Program is a cornerstone of the rich history of the fire service. Clackamas Fire District #1 relies on volunteers working side by side with career personnel in the daily performance of the fire district’s mission in roles including call response, scene support and public education and prevention.
Our award winning Wellness Program works with firefighters, staff and volunteers to promote positive lifestyle changes. The program is designed to be positive, non-punitive and address all aspects of wellness.